2777 E Camelback Road, Ste. 101, Phoenix, AZ 85016

5 Non-dental Medical Issues Your Dentist May Find

Woman with brown hair and white teeth smiling

We all know your dentist can diagnose common oral health issues, such as gum disease and cavities, but did you know they can also discover other non-dental medical issues? Here’s a list of 5 non-dental medical issues that dentists often find.

1. Oral Cancer

Oral cancer is one of the top 10 most common cancers diagnosed in the United States, with over 30,000 new diagnoses made each year. In many cases, dentists are the ones that discover the first signs of the disease—commonly appearing as red or white lesions inside the mouth. Heavy drinking, the presence of HPV, and smoking are common factors that increase your risk of oral cancer. Visit Arizona Biltmore Dentistry today for your oral cancer screening.

2. Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis, or the weakening of the bones, can happen to just about anybody. Some warning signs of osteoporosis that dentist’s can discover include loose teeth and/or a receding gum line, which is a sign that there are changes happening in the bone that supports your teeth. If you keep up with your regular dental appointments, these warning signs are much easier for your dentist to ascertain.

3. Diabetes

Your dentist can recognize the first signs of diabetes, such as loose teeth, dry mouth, and receding, dry and/or bleeding gums. One of the effects of diabetes is a poor immune system, which causes oral wounds and infections to take longer to heal.

4. HIV

Warts, lesions, and white/purple/brown/red spots on your tongue, as well as other oral infections are a few common signs of HIV that are visible in the mouth.

5. Anemia

Anemia is a condition in which the body doesn’t have enough red blood cells circulating. If the lining of your mouth is very pale, it can be a sign of anemia. If your tongue starts to become smooth and lose its bumpy texture, it can also be a sign of anemia that your Arizona Biltmore dentist may recognize.

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